报告名称:Asymptotic behavior of the principal eigenvalue of a linear elliptic operator with small/large diffusion
报告专家:张光辉 副教授
专家所在单位:华中科技大学 数学与统计学院
报告地点:腾讯会议 会议号:362 589 094
专家简介:张光辉,华中科技大学副教授。日本东京大学博士毕业。研究方向为非线性偏微分方程、自由边界值问题。研究成果发表在Archive for Rational and Mechanics and Analysis、SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis、CPDE、CVPDE等杂志。
报告摘要:We are concerned with an eigenvalue problem of a second order linear elliptic operator complemented by a general boundary condition. Asymptotic behaviors of the principal eigenvalue, as the diffusion coefficient approaches zero or infinity, are investigated. This is a joint work with Rui Peng and Maolin Zhou.