报告名称:The area minimizing problems in conformal cones
专家所在单位:重庆大学 数学系
报告地点:腾讯会议 会议号:405 690 032
专家简介:周恒宇,重庆大学数学系副研究员,2015年毕业于美国纽约城市大学,曾在南京大学,中山大学做博士后。目前的研究兴趣在几何测度论,极小曲面和平均曲率方程。论文发表在Math. Res. Lett., Inter. Math. Res. Notices, J. Geom. Anal., Proc. AMS等期刊上。
报告摘要:In this talk we discuss the relations of minimal graphs, area minimizing problem with fixed graphical boundary in conformal cones. These conformal cones are generalizations of warped product manifolds, starshaped models of hyperbolic spaces. We use certain area functionals to characterize the solutions to these area minimizing problems. As applications we solve the Dirichlet problem of minimal surface equations in those cones. This content of this talk includes the joint work with Qiang Gao.