学术报告:Optimization of dispersion particle in aluminum alloy via reverse 4D materials engineering
报告摘要:Materials design is contingent on the availability of reliable linkages between the microstructure and its associated mechanical properties. This work investigates a surrogate model, which is derived from 3D image-based simulation for revealing the optimum microstructure of particles in materials. This new approach comprises the following steps: (1) generating a dataset using an ensemble of representative microstructures and obtaining their mechanical responses using established finite element simulations, (2) establishing a low-dimensional representation of microstructure microstructures, (3) establishing a relationship between the selected microstructure parameters and mechanical properties using support vector machine, and (4) Obtaining optimum parameters. The proposed methodology has good computational efficiency and accuracy.
专家简介:Han Li received PhD degree in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2012. She worked as a researcher at Toyohashi University of Technology between 2013 and 2104, and a project assistant professor at Kyushu university between 2014 and 2017. She currently works as an associate professor at College of Informatics, Huazhong Agricultural University.